Upcoming Events

Blues Central: on the second Sunday of each month at Froth Bunbrewery. This event features top bands from WA and other states, together with a club band.

Club Jam Day: on the third Sunday of each month. Members and fans gather at Froth Bunbrewery each month for an afternoon of music and friendship.


Jam Day - Parade Hotel 21 Nov 2021

Category: General Jam Day - Parade Hotel 21 Nov 2021


Where has the year gone? We are in the drag race to Christmas and this is the month when the sun comes out and things heat up. The line up of musicians at our jams just keeps getting bigger. We hope this month we will be outside beside the water in the sunshine and the sea air. It is so good hearing all this new talent and of course hearing our old favourites. We will see you on Sunday for another sensational afternoon of great music at Bunbury's finest venue, The Parade Hotel.