Upcoming Events

Blues Central: on the second Sunday of each month at Froth Bunbrewery. This event features top bands from WA and other states, together with a club band.

Club Jam Day: on the third Sunday of each month. Members and fans gather at Froth Bunbrewery each month for an afternoon of music and friendship.

The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12/02/2023(1 event)

2:00 pm: Blues Central - Froth Brewery 12 Feb 2023


There's been a change of plan Stan. Howling Onshore can't make it this month to Blues Central but Tommy 'Boss' Bosson and The Score will be on stage instead. Tommy is a seriously accomplished harp player with three very able bodies in tow. Glen Carpenter guitarist and vocals meshes wonderfully with Tommy's style. We had Tommy down for later in the year so it is exciting to have him stand in and performing in February. They are followed by Ponyfish, so we are all in for an absolute treat . We have some more exciting news about Blues Central we will be announcing early next week, so stay tuned. This is shaping up to be a big Sunday.