Upcoming Events

Blues Central: on the second Sunday of each month at Froth Bunbrewery. This event features top bands from WA and other states, together with a club band.

Club Jam Day: on the third Sunday of each month. Members and fans gather at Froth Bunbrewery each month for an afternoon of music and friendship.

The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
15/01/2023(1 event)

2:00 pm: Jam day Parade Hotel, 15 Jan 2023


The first jam of 2023 inches forever closer. Your New Year's resolution should be "play more music and be happier". The best way to burn off those festive season excesses and expunge your body and soul is to front up at a jam. Better than a diet, better than any self improvement programme is a darn good jam day blow out. An afternoon in the shade and a cooling sea breeze with friends at the edge of the bay soaking up the atmosphere at the Parade. Enough said, we will see you there.