Upcoming Events

Blues Central: on the second Sunday of each month at Froth Bunbrewery. This event features top bands from WA and other states, together with a club band.

Club Jam Day: on the third Sunday of each month. Members and fans gather at Froth Bunbrewery each month for an afternoon of music and friendship.

The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
15/03/2020(1 event)

2:00 pm: Jam Day - Parade Hotel 15 Mar 2020


If you didn't guess it, then our last jam was our biggest turnout yet and they just keep getting bigger and better. It is so good seeing new people turning up, new musicians, young and old, newbies and hardened professionals. This is the largest regular music event in the South West. Make the most of these wonderful warm summer days, come and play or just to listen. Dust off that guitar, ukulele, or whatever, warm up those vocal cords and come on down to find out if this is for you...no pressure, but you will have fun.