Sorry about the short notice folks but we have a big bash lined up at the South Bunbury Footy Club at the JE Hands Memorial Park off Blair Street, next Sunday and all are welcome. SWBC members please bring your instruments as you WILL get an opportunity to play. Because this event is at The Football Club there are special conditions of entry because of the liquor licensing laws. You will need to be a member of the Footy Club, be an Associate member (that costs $5 if you front up at the door on the day) or as a guest of a member. So there are two ways you can get in. Get a member to invite you (many SWBC members are already members) or you can become an Associate member when you arrive for a mere $5. Anywhich way it is going to be a real fun afternoon of blues, music, a few coldies and good friends. See you there. Now if you have any questions please call James: 0412 447 694 or Dave: 0438 467 505.